Order = 5515776 =
Mult = 3.
Out = 3 × S3.

Porting notes

Porting incomplete.

Standard generators

Standard generators of U3(8) are a, b where a has order 2, b has order 3 (necessarily in class 3C) and ab has order 19.

Standard generators of 3.U3(8) = SU3(8) are preimages A, B where A has order 2 and AB has order 19.

Standard generators of U3(8):2 are c, d where c is in class 2B, d is in class 3C, cd has order 8 and cdcdcddcdcddcdd has order 9.

Standard generators of 3.U3(8):2 are preimages C, D where CDCDD has order 19.

Standard generators of U3(8):31 are e, f where e has order 2, f is in class 3D/E/F/D'/E'/F', ef has order 12, efeff has order 7 and efefeffefeffeff has order 7.

Standard generators of 3.U3(8):31 are preimages E, F where E has order 2 and F has order 3.

Standard generators of U3(8):6 are g, h where g is in class 2B, h is in class 3D/D'/EF/EF' (i.e. an outer element of order 3), gh has order 18, ghghh has order 19 and ghghghhghghhghh has order 9.

Standard generators of U3(8):32 are i, j where i has order 2, j is in class 3G/G' and ij has order 9.

Standard generators of U3(8).33 are k, l where k has order 2, l is in class 9K/L/M/K'/L'/M', kl has order 9, kl2 has order 9, kl3 has order 6, kl4 has order 18 and klkl2kl4 has order 9.

Standard generators of U3(8):S3 are m, n where m is in class 2B, n is in class 3G/G', mn has order 8, mnmnn has order 9 and (mn)3mn2mnmn2mn2 has order 14.

Standard generators of U3(8).32 are o, p where o is in class 3DEF/DEF', p is in class 9EFG/EFG', op has order 9, op2 has order 9, op3 has order 12, op4 has order 9 and opo2p2 has order 7.

Standard generators of U3(8).(S3 × 3) are q, r where q is in class 2B, r is in class 9KLM/KLM', qr has order 6, qrqrr has order 3 and qrqr2qr4 has order 6.


Group Presentation Link
U3(8) a, b | a2 = b3 = (ab)19 = [a,b]9 = [a,bab]3 = (abababab−1)3ab−1ab(ab−1)3ab(ab−1)2 = (((ab)4(ab−1)3)2ab−1)2 = 1 〉 Details


Representations of U3(8)

Representations of 3.U3(8)

Representations of U3(8):2

Representations of U3(8):31

Representations of U3(8):6

Representations of U3(8):32

Representations of U3(8).33

Representations of U3(8):S3

Representations of U3(8).32

Representations of U3(8).(S3 × 3)