Order = 20160 =
Mult = 3 × 4 × 4.
Out = 2 × S3 = D12.

This group has too much information to appear conveniently on one page. We have decided to split it into subpages.

Porting notes

Porting incomplete.

Standard generators

Standard generators of L3(4):2a are c, d where c is in class 2B, d is in class 4D and cd has order 7.

Standard generators of 3.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where C has order 2 and D has order 4.

Standard generators of 4a.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where CD has order 7 and CDD has order 8.

Standard generators of 2.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where CD has order 7 and CDCDCDDCDCDD has order 3.

Standard generators of 4b.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where CD has order 7 and CDD has order 8.

Standard generators of 6.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where C has order 2, D has order 4, CD has order 21 and CDCDCDDCDCDD has order 3.

Standard generators of 12a.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where C has order 2, D has order 4, CD has order 21 and CDD has order 8.

Standard generators of 12b.L3(4):2a are preimages C, D where C has order 2, D has order 4, CD has order 21 and CDD has order 8.


Representations of L3(4):2a

Representations of 3.L3(4):2a

Representations of 4a.L3(4):2a

Representations of 2.L3(4):2a

Representations of 4b.L3(4):2a

Representations of 6.L3(4):2a

Representations of 12a.L3(4):2a

Representations of 12b.L3(4):2a

Conjugacy classes

Conjugacy classes of L3(4):2a

Conjugacy class Centraliser order Power up Class rep(s)
1A 40 320
2A 128
3A 18
4A 32
4B 32
4C 32
5A 5 cdcddcdd
7A 7 cd
2B 144
4D 16 d
6A 18 cdcddcddcdcddcddcdd
8A 8 cdd
8B 8 cdcdcddcddd
8C 8 cdcddcddcdcddcddd

Download words for class representatives.