About this representation
Group |
U4(3):D8 |
Group generators |
Standard generators |
Number of
points |
9072 |
information |
Transitive but imprimitive |
Transitivity degree |
1 |
Rank |
24 |
lengths |
1, 20, 30, 36, 45, 902,
1804, 2402, 3605,
7204, 14402 |
by |
Not recorded |
This representation is available in the following
Checks applied
Check |
Description |
Date |
Checked by |
Result |
Order |
Check that the elements generate a group
of the correct order. |
Jul 18, 2006 |
permanalyse version 0.03 |
Pass |
Number of points |
Check whether the permutation
representation is acting on the stated number of
points. |
Jul 4, 2006 |
certify.pl version 0.05 |
Pass |
Files exist |
Check whether files exist (where
stated). |
Jul 4, 2006 |
certify.pl version 0.05 |
Pass |