About this representation
Group |
3.Suz |
Group generators |
Standard generators |
Dimension |
429 |
Distinguishing letter |
a |
Ring |
GF(4) |
Characteristic |
2 |
Irreducibility information |
Absolutely irreducible |
Indicator |
o |
index |
1 |
of 1-cohomology |
0 |
of 2-cohomology |
0 |
by |
Not recorded |
This representation is available in the following
Checks applied
Check |
Description |
Date |
Checked by |
Result |
Projective semi-presentation |
Check against a semi-presentation for a
quotient group (checking projective orders rather than
actual orders). |
Jul 4, 2006 |
certify.pl version 0.05 |
Pass |
Dimension/field |
Check the dimension and field/ring of the
representation. |
Jul 4, 2006 |
certify.pl version 0.05 |
Pass |
Files exist |
Check whether files exist (where
stated). |
Jul 4, 2006 |
certify.pl version 0.05 |
Pass |
Irreducibility |
Check the irreducibility type is
correct. |
Jul 5, 2006 |
irr.pl v0.2 |
Pass |