ATLAS: Exceptional group 3D4(3)
Order = 20560831566912 = 26.312.72.132.73.
Mult = 1.
Out = 3.
The following information is available for 3D4(3):
Standard generators of 3D4(3) are a and b
where a is in class 3A, b is in class 13G/H (the ones with fixed points
in the natural 8-dimensional representation), ab has order 73
and ababb has order 13.
(These conditions distinguish between classes 13G and 13H.)
Standard generators of 3D4(2):3 are
not yet defined.
The representations of 3D4(3) available are:
Dimension 8 over GF(27) - the natural representation:
a and
b (Meataxe),
a and
b (Meataxe binary),
a and
b (GAP).
Dimension 218 over GF(2):
a and
b (Meataxe),
a and
b (Meataxe binary),
a and
b (GAP).
Permutations on 26572 points:
a and
b (Meataxe),
a and
b (Meataxe binary),
a and
b (GAP).
The maximal subgroups of 3D4(3) are:
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Version 2.0 created on 10th October 2000.
Last updated 24.08.01 by RAW.
Information checked to
Level 0 on 10.10.00 by RAW.
R.A.Wilson, R.A.Parker and J.N.Bray.