/* 2^2"Sz(8):3 presented on its standard generators. */ G:=Group; K:=sub; // Is C15. H:=sub; // Stabiliser for a faithful permutation action. Is 2^3:7:3. /* Demonstration of correctness. Coset enumeration over = 15 establishes the order. Can work in degree 2080 image of G on the cosets of H to establish the structure of G. The following should work: 15*Index(G,K:Print:=2,Hard:=true,CosetLimit:=10^5,Grain:=10^5); Index(G,H:Print:=2,Hard:=true,CosetLimit:=10^5,Grain:=10^5); G:=CosetImage(G,H); NL:=NormalLattice(G);NL; */