ATLAS: Exceptional group G2(4)

Order = 251596800 =
Mult = 2.
Out = 2.
See also ATLAS of Finite Groups, pp97-99.

Standard generators

Standard generators of G2(4) are a and b where a is in class 2A, b is in class 5C/D, ab has order 13 and abb has order 13.
To ensure that b is in class 5C/D (and not class 5A/B), also check that ababb has order 15.
The representations below are labelled such that b is in class 5C of the Atlas of Brauer Characters.
Standard generators of the double cover 2.G2(4) are preimages A and B where B has order 5 and AB has order 13.

Standard generators of G2(4):2 are c and d where c is in class 2C, d is in class 4D, cd has order 13 and cdcddd has order 6.
Standard generators of the Atlas double cover 2.G2(4):2 are preimages C and D where CD has order 13.
(Similarly for the isoclinic, non­Atlas, double cover 2.G2(4).2.)


The outer automorphism of G2(4) can be realised by the map taking (a, b) to (a, b2).

Black box algorithms

To find standard generators of G2(4): To find standard generators of G2(4).2: Alternatively, to find standard generators of G2(4).2:


The representations of G2(4) available are: The representations of 2.G2(4) available are: The representations of G2(4):2 available are: The representations of 2.G2(4):2 available are: The representations of the non­split 2.G2(4).2 available are:

Maximal subgroups

The maximal subgroups of G2(4) are: The maximal subgroups of G2(4):2 are:

Conjugacy classes

A set of generators for the maximal cyclic subgroups of G2(4) can be obtained by running this program on the standard generators. All conjugacy classes can therefore be obtained as suitable powers of these elements.

A set of generators for the maximal cyclic subgroups of G2(4):2 can be obtained by running this program on the standard generators. All conjugacy classes can therefore be obtained as suitable powers of these elements.

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Version 2.0 created on 14th April 2000.
Last updated 06.04.04 by SJN.
Information checked to Level 0 on 14.04.00 by RAW.
R.A.Wilson, R.A.Parker and J.N.Bray.